6 Feb 2014

Cardomom Tea

cardomom tea
welcome all to my humble blog...I have been flipping pages of my recipe dairy over and over again just to decide which recipe to start posting with.Finally decided to start with a warm cup of cardomom/elaichi tea:).This is a cardomom tea recipe which has a rich flavour of cardomom.Cardomom is a most important spice which is used as a flavouring agent and also it has many medicinal uses too.Though i am not a tea-a-holic i love this cardomom tea.Every sip of this tea is refreshing.Now to the recipe.

  1. milk-   1/2 cup
  2. water- 1cup      
  3. sugar -1tbsp
  4. cardomom/elaichi   - 2 or 3 pods
  5. tea leaves - 1tsp/2tsp(i used 3 roses)


  1. mix water and milk in a pan and bring to boil
  2. add sugar and tea leaves and simmer for few minutes
  3. then add the cardomom pods after slightly smashing them
  4. boil till the desired strength of tea is attained.
  5. strain the tea into cups


  • the quantity of milk can be increased or decreased as per individual preference
  • you can use milkpowder or skimmed milk also.i used packet milk here


